
Slip 1

A) Write a ‘java’ program to display characters from ‘A’ to ‘Z’.

B) Write a ‘java’ program to copy only non-numeric data from one file to another file.

Slip 2

A) Write a java program to display all the vowels from a given string.

B) Design a screen in Java to handle the Mouse Events such as MOUSE_MOVED and MOUSE_CLICK and display the position of the Mouse_Click in a TextField.

Slip 3

A) Write a ‘java’ program to check whether given number is Armstrong or not. (Use static keyword)

B) Define an abstract class Shape with abstract methods area () and volume (). Derive abstract class Shape into two classes Cone and Cylinder. Write a java Program to calculate area and volume of Cone and Cylinder.(Use Super Keyword.)

Slip 4

A) Write a java program to display alternate character from a given string.

B) Write a java program using Applet to implement a simple arithmetic calculator.

Slip 6

A) Write a java program to accept a number from user, if it zero then throw user defined Exception “Number Is Zero”, otherwise calculate the sum of first and last digit of that number. (Use static keyword).

B) Write a java program to display transpose of a given matrix.

Slip 7

A) Write a java program to display Label with text “Dr. D Y Patil College”, background color Red and font size 20 on the frame.

B) Write a java program to accept details of ‘n’ cricket player (pid, pname, totalRuns,InningsPlayed, NotOuttimes). Calculate the average of all the players. Display the details of player having maximum average. (Use Array of Object)

Slip 8

A) Define an Interface Shape with abstract method area(). Write a java program to calculate an area of Circle and Sphere.(use final keyword)

B) Write a java program to display the files having extension .txt from a given directory.

Slip 9

A) Write a java Program to display following pattern:
0 1
0 1 0
1 0 1 0

B) Write a java program to validate PAN number and Mobile Number. If it is invalid then throw user defined Exception “Invalid Data”, otherwise display it.

Slip 10

A) Write a java program to count the frequency of each character in a given string.

B) Create Applet application for Compound Interest Calculator.

Slip 11

A) Write a menu driven java program using command line arguments for the following:
1. Addition
2. Subtraction
3. Multiplication
4. Division.

B) Write an applet application to display Table lamp. The color of lamp should get change randomly.

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