
Slip 1

A) Create a Simple Application Which Send ―Hello‖ message from one activity to another with help of Button (Use Intent).

B) Create an Android application to demonstrate Progress Dialog Box using AsyncTask.

Slip 2

A) Create a Simple Application Which demonstrate Life Cycle of Activity.

B) Create an Android Application that Demonstrate DatePicker and DatePickerDailog.

Slip 3

A) Create a Simple Application, which read a positive number from the user and display its factorial value in another activity.

B) Create an Android application that plays an audio(song) in the background. Audio will not be stopped even if you switch to another activity. To stop the audio, you need to stop the service..

Slip 5

A) Create an Android Application that will change color of the College Name on click of Push Button and change the font size, font style of text view using xml.

B) Create an Android Application to find the factorial of a number and Display the Result on Alert Box.

Slip 6

A) Create a Simple Application that performs Arithmetic Operations.(Use constraint layout)

B) Create an Android Application that sends the Notification on click of the button and Display the notification message on second activity.

Slip 7

A) Create an Android Application to accept two numbers and find power and Average. Display the result on the next activity on Button click.

B) Create Android Application for performing the following operation on the table Customer (id, name, address, phno). (use SQLite database)
i) Insert New Customer Details.
ii) Show All the Customer Details on Toast Message.

Slip 9

A) Design Following Screens using Table Layout. Display the entered text using Toast.

B) Create application to send SMS message to a friend. After sending message display delivery report of message.

Slip 11

A) Create an Android Application that Demonstrate Radio Button.

B) Create an Android Application that Demonstrate ListView and Onclick of List Display the Toast.

Slip 13

Create an Android App with Login Screen. On successful login, gives message go to next Activity (Without Using Database& use Table Layout).

B)Create Android application to perform following operations on table Student (Sid, Sname ,phno). Use auto increment for Sid and Perform following Operations.
a) Add Student and display its information.
b) Delete Student

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