Blockchain Slip No 12 solution

Creating an Ethereum application in JavaScript to transfer cryptocurrency (Ether) from one account to another using Visual Studio Code (VS Code) involves several steps. Here's a basic example using the web3.js library:

1.   Set Up Your Environment:

Ensure that you have Node.js installed on your computer. If you don't have it, you can download it from the official Node.js website:

2.   Create a New Project:

Open VS Code and create a new folder for your project. Open this folder in VS Code.

3.   Initialize Your Node.js Project:

Open the integrated terminal in VS Code and navigate to your project folder. Run the following command to create a package.json file and install the required dependencies (web3.js):

npm init -y

npm install web3

4.   Write Your JavaScript Code:

  const Web3 = require('web3');

 // Connect to an Ethereum node (e.g., Infura)

const web3 = new Web3('YOUR_INFURA_PROJECT_URL'); // Replace with your Infura project URL

 // Set the sender and receiver addresses

const senderAddress = 'SENDER_ADDRESS'; // Replace with the sender's Ethereum address

const receiverAddress = 'RECEIVER_ADDRESS'; // Replace with the receiver's Ethereum address

 // Set the private key of the sender (for signing transactions)

const s_PrivateKey = 'SENDER_PRIVATE_KEY'; // Replace with the sender's private key

 // Transfer function

async function transferEther()

{     // Transfer 1 Ether (adjust as needed)

    const valueToSend = web3.utils.toWei('1', 'ether');

    // Create a transaction object

    const txObject = {

        from: senderAddress,

        to: receiverAddress,

        gas: 21000, // Gas limit for a simple Ether transfer

        value: valueToSend,



 // Sign and send the transaction

const signedTx = await web3.eth.accounts.signTransaction(txObject, s_PrivateKey);

const txReceipt = await web3.eth.sendSignedTransaction(signedTx.rawTransaction);


 console.log('Transaction Hash:', txReceipt.transactionHash);



// Call the transferEther function to initiate the transfer



Replace 'YOUR_INFURA_PROJECT_URL', ‘SENDER_ADDRESS','RECEIVER_ADDRESS', and'SENDER_PRIVATE_KEY' with the actual Infura project URL, sender's Ethereum address, receiver's Ethereum address, and sender's private key, respectively.


5.    Run Your Script:

Open the integrated terminal in VS Code, navigate to your project folder, and run the script:

node transferEther.js 


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